+ & -
Everyone draws, or at least has the experience of applying a darker tone onto a blank surface to define an idea. It is a binary task, a decision making process at the most basic elements.
On / off, dark vs light, add or subtract. Two polar opposite qualities are conjured into a message to represent the artists’ vision .
“+ & -“ is a show consisting works in black and white with an emphasis on drawing and portraiture.
Lorimoto will be presenting the works of five artists who capture this art form.
Alex Barry is a local Ridgewood artist who has been using ink as a medium to create his work. In his portraits of whimsical characters and abstracted stain like figures, there seem to be an ambiguous sense of mixed emotions. Barry’s work offers an experience of a comfortable nightmare of sorts.
Corey Bond is a master of light and dark. Bond creates intense photo realistic drawings often derived from 1950’s mug shots and crime scene photos from the police archive. The femme fatale portraits shares his and attraction to the inherent danger of crime and violence deceivingly packaged in a beautiful woman.
Filip Haag is a Swiss artist currently in his NYC residency. Haag’s work seem to be a hybrid of maps , writings and portraiture. His background as an accomplished writer brings out such qualities in his artwork. He will be presenting drawings and a bronze sculpture .
Ivanny Pagan is a quintessential “Otaku” – a hardcore aficionado of Japanese pop / subculture. Pagan re creates selected scenes from animation with charcoal with exacting accuracy. The resulting effect is a strange concoction of solemness, almost like a grieving gesture to these scenes that has been imprinted to his memory.
Pierre Sernet is a Tea master who has a deep appreciation of the Zen aesthetics. Sernet is showing a series titled “Synonyms” - 16 portraits, all silhouettes of couples in their most intimate moments.
Please join the Opening Reception on April 9th , 2016 from 6pm -9pm.