Frank Webster
May 15th ~ June 6th , 2021
Opening reception: Saturday May 15th, 2021 6~9 PM
Lorimoto Gallery is excited to present solo exhibition of paintings by Frank Webster.
Frank Websterʼs work—ranging from small, ethereal watercolors to 10-foot wide panoramic paintings—depicts both the nuanced allure of the natural world and humanityʼs interdependent relationship to it. His exploration of this tenuous coexistence is apparent in all of his work. Grounded in reality, his work recalls both the historical romanticism of landscape painting and contemporary technological advances in image-making. It references, abstracts, and transcends the ordinary.
Regardless of the geographic location referenced, Webster persistently investigates the subjectivity of perception by illuminating often overlooked details in the natural world. After developing a large body of work focusing on urban cohabitation with nature, he attended several residencies in rural locations in the United States and abroad, which commenced in a series of large-scale paintings. Working in an urban industrial space in NYC, the juxtaposition of his immediate, urban surroundings and the expansive natural land depicted provides an immersive experience for viewers: one of longing for the comfort of wilderness. At first glance, the work recalls the sublime and historic grand tour travel paintings, but with further examination, reveals a wistfulness permeated with a sense of urgency emblematic of global environmental concerns.
As we are hopeful of seeing the light of normalcy in the dark moments of the pandemic , we were compelled to bring out these paintings of majestic landscapes to the public eye suggesting a shift in lifestyle & perspective. Being forced to live inwards in controlled isolation , we have been longing for the release , a sense of freedom and the tranquility of being immersed in nature. Through this exhibition our hope is for viewers to get the inspired about the world beyond their confines.
Please join us for the Opening Reception on Saturday May 15th 6~9pm.
Masks are still mandatory and viewer restrictions in the gallery will be in effect.